Awards & Recognition
Kathy Fishburn Excellence in Orchestra Award
The Kathy Fishburn Excellence in Orchestra Award was established in 2022 to honor Texas Orchestra Directors with 15+ years of orchestra teaching experience who consistently demonstrate leadership and superior teaching in Texas.
The nominee is not required to be a current member of Mu Omicron
15 or more years of experience teaching orchestra
Currently a public school Orchestra Director in Texas
Demonstrates leadership in Texas Orchestra programs (Region Chair, TMEA/UIL event hosting, committee service, hosting student teachers, TMEA Mentor program, etc…)
Consistently demonstrates superior teaching throughout their career through performance such as UIL, Midwest invitations, Honor Orchestra placement, etc…
Nomination Process:
Nominations for the Kathy Fishburn Excellence in Orchestra Award will be accepted from October 1st – December 1st of each year, and the award will be presented at the Mu Omicron Business Meeting at TMEA in February.
Nominations should include the following, and will be completed on the google form for nominations:
Name of nominee
Address of nominee
Email address of nominee
Brief biography of the nominee
Why you recommend this nominee for the award
*Optional* Upload a short video (5-7 minutes max) of the nominee teaching a lesson/rehearsing in class
Selection Process:
Nominations for the Kathy Fishburn Excellence in Orchestra Award will be completed on a google form and uploaded between October 1st – December 1st of each year.
A selection committee will be formed consisting of 4 Mu Omicron members plus the 3 current Mu Omicron Board Members.
Anyone who nominates someone for the Kathy Fishburn Excellence in Orchestra Award will be ineligible to serve on the selection committee.
Current serving Mu Omicron Board members are prohibited from nominating anyone for the Kathy Fishburn Excellence in Orchestra Award.
The selection committee will evaluate each nominee and give them a total score based on the answers on the nomination form.
The recipient must be present at the TMEA Convention to accept the award.
Award History
Year |
Recipient |
2024-2025 |
Desiree Overree |
2023-2024 |
Gary Needham |
2022-2023 |
David DeVoto |
Mu Omicron Clinic Grants
Mu Omicron will award grants to bring in a master teacher to assist and mentor young and new to the profession orchestra directors in Texas.
Nomination Process:
A current Mu Omicron member will nominate a new or younger teacher who is not a current Mu Omicron member for the grant by submitting their information on the Clinic Grant Nomination Form. (SEE LINK BELOW)
Submission of the clinic grant request does not mean it will automatically be approved.
Once a nomination is received, the Mu Omicron Board Members will discuss and approve grants based on need and availability of funding.
Clinic Grant Nominations are open throughout the year.
Clinic Grant Recipients
Year |
Recipient |
2023-2024 |
Alan Guckian |
2023-2024 |
Stephanie Infante |
2023-2024 |
David Engelman |
2021-2022 |
Kevin Garcia |
2021-2022 |
Savana Hughey |
2021-2022 |
Austin Leach |
2021-2022 |
Madison Pruden |
2021-2022 |
Kimberly Zielnicki |
2021-2022 |
Justin Hensley |